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Hearing before La Commission des transports du Quebec for Saguenay

Preparation for a hearing before the Commission des transports du Quebec for the owner or operator of heavy vehicles in Saguenay.

If you are summoned by the Commission des transports du Québec in Saguenay
to verify your behaviour as an owner or operator of heavy vehicles or
as a driver of heavy vehicles, we can assist you.

Our specialized lawyers will offer you the necessary preparation for
the hearing before the Commission des transports du Québec. They
will also accompany you to make representations before the
commissioner responsible for the study of your case. This assistance
from our lawyers will maximize your chances of maintaining a safety
rating at the "satisfactory" level and retain your privilege to drive
heavy vehicles.

We know that these hearings are important and that they allow you to
retain your right to practice your profession.

We help truckers or truck fleet owners in Saguenay(PEVL, CVOR or CVL) !

We represent Owners and operators of heavy vehicles all over Quebec in numerous Penal and criminal proceedings, including:

Infringements relating to the log book:

  • Poorly completed daily log;
  • Failure to respect rest hours;
  • Other offenses related to the log book;

Regulation respecting load and size standards applicable to road vehicles and combinations of road vehicles:

  • Load or excess mass;
  • Traffic prohibited for the dimensions of the load transported;
  • Non solid loading;
  • Prohibited area – prohibited traffic;
  • Dangerous goods;

Infringements relating to compulsory checks to be carried out on heavy goods vehicles in Saguenay:

  • Mechanical verification report;
  • Not equipped with two red position lights;
  • Faulty license plate lights;
  • Identification number absent;
  • Mudguards absent;
  • Tires with non-conforming anti-slip;

Offenses relating to regulations specific to truckers:

  • Excess load without special permit;
  • Heavy vehicle with minor defect;
  • Heavy vehicle not equipped with a lashing system;
  • Recirculation of a heavy vehicle without SAAQ approval;
  • Failure to mechanical check;
  • Speed ​​limiter not activated;
  • Exceeding the planned emission standards;
  • Lack of identification number;
  • Driving during a sanction;
  • Owner who lets a sanctioned trucker drive;
  • Driving on unauthorized tracks;
  • Obstruction of an intersection;

Offenses relating to the Highway Safety Code (Specific to heavy goods vehicle drivers and those applying to all classes of license):

  • Wearing a seat belt
  • Stop-Stop
  • Red light
  • Double line of demarcation
  • Defective red or yellow position lights
  • Hit and run
  • Dangerous driving
  • School bus
  • Security corridor
  • Driving cell
  • Speed ​​and GEV
  • etc.

Heavy vehicle driver in Saguenay:

Be vigilant and avoid being double penalized! Did you know that the same offense could result an accumulation of demerit points and PEVL and CVL points? For example, the driver who is found guilty of using a cell phone or portable device Article 443.1 Code de la sécurité routière du Quebec is imposed demerit points on his personal driving record and PEVL or CVL points on his heavy vehicle record.

It is also important to be aware that an infraction that does not involve any ‘regular’ demerit point can result in different consequences for drivers of heavy vehicles. In addition, an infraction for a yellow light does not include demerit point, but results in 3 demerit points  PEVL or CVL  in your file related to heavy vehicles.

If you are a trucker or fleet owner.

Do not wait for it to be too late, contact us !

Contact us for further information:

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other regions of Quebec and Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


The team
"The SOLUTION to your ticket problems in Saguenay"
229-3221, Laval Highway West (440), Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2
