How to obtain a restricted license?

Did you know that even if your license has been suspended, it may be possible to obtain a restricted license which will give you the right to drive? Indeed, depending on the circumstances, if your license was suspended because you broke the law and you need your driver's license for your job, it may be possible to obtain a restricted license.

What you need to know about getting a restricted driving license

(see the text of the law of the Société d'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ): articles 118 to 125 of the Road Safety Code)

The purpose of the request to obtain a restricted driving license is to ask a judge of the Court of Quebec to order the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec to issue the applicant with a restricted driving license, continued to the suspension of his driving license due to the accumulation of demerit points.

There are two types of restricted driving license:

The restricted driving license issued by order of a judge of the Court of Quebec to a driver whose driving license has been revoked or suspended.
The restricted driving license issued to people guilty of driving while impaired.
The holder of a learner's permit cannot obtain a restricted driving license.
Restricted driving license linked to accumulation of demerit points
A person whose probationary driving license has been suspended or whose driving license has been revoked for the first time in the last two years due to an accumulation of demerit points, can obtain a restricted driving license of a duration of three months.

The restricted driving license authorizes its holder to drive a road vehicle only as part of the main work from which he earns his livelihood.

In both cases, we can help you obtain a restricted driving license!

Do not wait

However, it should be noted that there is a delay of 10 days from the submission of the permit application before said permit is obtained. It is therefore important to contact us as soon as you receive your letter from the SAAQ.

Call us now to start the request.

Contactez-nous pour de plus amples informations:

Montreal region:
514 990-7884
Other regions of Quebec and Ontario:
1 877 990-7884

Fax: 450-934-3414

The team “The SOLUTION to your ticket problems throughout Quebec” 229-3221, Autoroute Laval W., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2 Email:

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