I believe there is a mistake on my ticket

I believe there is a mistake on my ticket

Our team of experts will analyse your ticket and see if there is any mistakes, which is often the case, and will have your can have your ticket cancelled.

TAXI & UBER Drivers

Chauffeur Taxi ou Uber



Requirements for UBER drivers:

  • Your Uber Center will request an up-to-date driving record periodically;
  • Driving Licence Class 4C; 
  • To obtain a Class 4C license, you must hold a valid regular or probationary Class 5 driver’s license for at least one year and pass: 
  • Medical examination;
  • Eye examination;
  • Written Test;

To be eligible to drive, you must not have more than:

  • MAXIMUM of 3 minor offences in the last 3 years;
  • No major offences in the last 3 years;

Types of minor offences:

  • Not using the Uber Sticker;
  • Speeding less than 50 km / h;
  • Crossing a demarcation line;
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians and cyclists at an intersection;
  • Not wearing your seat belt;
  • Failure to stop at a red light, or failure to completely immobilize your vehicle at a stop sign; 
  • Not coming to a full stop before turning right at a red light where this turn is allowed;
  • Pass another vehicle from the right or left. 


Types of major offences: 

  • Mechanical verification certificate;
  • Speeding more than 50 km / h
  • Passing several vehicles by weaving in and out of traffic (dangerous driving);
  • Speed excess in school zone; 
  • Refused to provide a breath sample or failed to comply to a police officer; 
  • Speeding or reckless driving;
  • Carrying out a prohibited passing manoeuvre in a lane reserved for oncoming traffic;
  • Failing to perform one’s duty when involved in an accident, for example, failing to provide one’s name and address to the parties concerned or to the police;

Fight Your Ticket !

You were distracted a few seconds … and don’t want to get demerit points.

SolutionTicket.com will fight your traffic tickets for you, helping you save your points and licence.

Call us now ! 514-990-7884

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Excessive speed

exces de vitesse

Excessive Speeding Ticket

In Quebec, there is two types of speeding ticket:

  1. Regular speeding tickets
  2. Excessive speeding tickets ( 

Information on Excessive Speeding Ticket in Quebec

You are commiting an excessive speeding offence if you exceed the speed limit:

    • by 40 km/h or more in a zone less than 60 km/h;
    • by 50 km/h or more in a zone of 60 km/h to 90 km/h;
    • by 60 km/h or more in a zone of 100 km/h.

Compared to prior offences:

    • Demerit points are doubled;
    • The fine is doubled or tripled according to the number of excessive speeding offences you have in your driving record.

For example, if you are caught going 145 km/h in a 90 km/h zone, and found guilty, you will receive a fine of 710$ and will get 10 demerit points.

Immediate removal of the driver's licence for excessive speeding

Under new section of the Highwar Safety Code that came into effect on December 7th 2008, the licence of a driver who is pulled over by a law enforcement officer for excessive speeding could be suspended right away !

7 days
A licence is supended for 7 days the first time you are pulled over for excessive speeding.

Note: you cannot file in an application for review of a 7-say licence suspension.

30 days
Your licence is suspended for 30 days when a law enforcement officer pulls you over for excessive speeding and you have had a prior conviction for excessive speeding within the last 10 years.

60 days
Your licence is suspended for 60 days when a law enforcement officer pulls you over for excessive speeding in a location where the speed limit is 60 km/h or less and, within the last 10 years, you have had at least two previous excessive speeding convictions in a location where the speed limit is 60 km/h or less.

The Bad Effects Of An Excessive Speed Ticket

  • Furthermore, this offence will remain in your driving record fo 10 YEARS. This means that if the you are caught again for excessive speed during these 10 years, you will face even more harsh sanctions.
  • Insurance Cost Increase during all the period.

Benefits To Contest With Solution Ticket

In all cases, we will help prepare your defense and will come up with the best strategy to maximise your chance of winning your contestation, lose the minimum demerit points and save your driver’s licence.


Contest Your Ticket Now !

Don’t wait : time is your ally.
The sooner a ticket is fought the better your chance.

Before paying your speeding ticket, contact-us for any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Red light

contester un ticket de feux rouge

How to Contest a Ticket for a Red Light

you got a ticket for a red light ?

Passing on a red light

(article 359 Highway Safety Code)

Information about traffic control ticket (red light):

A red light infraction, according to article 359 H.s.c., may occur for different situations. Here are some of them:

    • The driver don’t stop his vehicle at the stop lign when the traffic light is red;
    • The driver engage in the intersection when the light is yellow, but ends his passage under a red light;

These two situations are always up to the officer emiting the ticket. Some variables may have affected his point of view of the situation. With the service of Solution Ticket, you increase your chance of contestation has we will go through a thorough analysis of the infraction report and the underlying evidences.

    • A photo radar installed at a street intersection has capted a vehicle that has cross the stop lign when a facing a red traffic light;

Note that a ticket from a photo radar implies no demerit points, only a fine. The only way to fight such a ticket is to prove the photo radar is not working properly.

    • The driver engage in a right turn at an intersection where it was illegal to do so;

In some cases, it could be that the signal was not properly installed as stipulated in Normes de la signalisation routière, thus invalidating the ticket. On top of that, there is a specific Highway Safety Code article for red light right turn. Let Solution Ticket experts verify if your ticket is valid or not.

Don’t hesitate to fight your red light ticket with Solution Ticket!


  • A photographic radar installed at the intersection picked up the vehicle when it had passed the stop line in red light;

Please note that a ticket issued with photographic radar evidence does not contain any demerit points, only a fine. The only way to challenge this offense is to challenge the validity of the operation of the photo radar.

Sanctions: The driver who fails to stop his vehicle at the traffic light is assessed 3 demerit points and a fine varying from $ 100 to $ 200.

Don’t hesitate before contesting a red traffic light violation with Solution Ticket!


Contest your red light ticket right away !

Don’t wait : time is running out.
The less you wait to fight a ticket, the more your chance of success are.

Before paying your ticket, contact us for any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Stop Sign

Arrêt Stop Solution Ticket

Contest a ticket for a stop sign


Passing on a Stop Sign

The driver of a bicycle or motorised vehicule who is facing a stop sign have to immobilise his vehicule before the stop post or stop line has stated in article 368 and article 360 of the Highway Safety Code.

Information about traffic control ticket (stop sign):

A stop sign infraction, according to article 360 and 368 H.s.c., may occur for different situations. Here are some of them:

These situations are always up to the officer emiting the ticket. Some variables may have affected his point of view of the situation. With the service of Solution Ticket, you increase your chance of contestation has we will go through a thorough analysis of the infraction report and the underlying evidences.

    • A photo radar installed at a street intersection has capted a vehicle that has cross the stop lign when facing a stop sign;

Note that a ticket from a photo radar implies no demerit points, only a fine. The only way to fight such a ticket is to prove the photo radar is not working properly.

In some cases, it could be that the sign was not properly installed as stipulated in Normes de la signalisation routière, thus invalidating the ticket. On top of that, there is some way to find you non-guilty in the Penal Code. Let Solution Ticket experts verify if your ticket is valid or not.

Don’t hesitate to fight your stop sign ticket with Solution Ticket!

Sanctions: Failure to stop your vehicle in front of a stop sign will result in a penalty of 3 demerit points and a fine ranging from $ 100 to $ 200.

Fight your stop sign ticket right away !

Don’t wait : time is running out.
The less you wait to fight a ticket, the more your chance of success are.

Before paying your ticket, contact us for any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Cellphone and texting while driving

Cellulaire ou texto au volant Solution Ticket

How to contest a ticket for cellular phone

(Article 443.1 of the Highway Safety Code)

Cellphone while driving since June 30, 2018

What does the law say about cell phones while driving?

According to the Highway Safety Code, it is forbidden to carry a device with a phone function, in other words a cellphone, while driving. It should be noted that it is not only talking on the phone that is prohibited by law, but also having the phone in your hands. Therefore, simply moving the phone may result in a ticket.

However, a person who legally and safely stops his or her vehicle at the side of the road to use a cell phone is no longer driving, even if the vehicle engine is still running, and therefore should not receive a ticket.

The number of demerit points is 5.

Note: no driver of a road vehicle or cyclist riding on the roadway shall use or LOOK at a cellular phone or any other hand-held device designed to transmit or receive information or to be used for entertainment purposes, or use a display screen.

The range of fines for the driver of a road vehicle for this type of offence is now $300 to $600.

For repeat offences, the minimum fine is doubled.

The driver is also subject to an immediate licence suspension of 3, 7 or 30 days for the first, second or third and subsequent offences within a two-year period.

Remember that the simple act of LOOKING at a cell phone or screen placed so that the driver of a road vehicle can see the image transmitted on the screen, directly or indirectly, is sufficient for a ticket to be issued.

Only tickets issued prior to the coming into force of the change will be subject to a four demerit point penalty.

However, truckers should note that it is possible for them to have in their possession a walkie-talkie or “CB” radio that does not have a telephone function and to use it while driving.

What should I do if I get a cell phone ticket while driving?

Depending on the circumstances and well represented, the fine and demerit points could be reduced. Let Solution Ticket verify whether or not the infraction you are accused of is valid or not.
Don’t hesitate before contesting a cell phone infraction while driving in Quebec with Solution Ticket!

Behaviours – Distractions


Even for driving assistance, screens are a major source of distraction. Before using one, check which types of screens are allowed and which are not.


  • Those installed by the vehicle manufacturer or according to his instructions. For example, a rearview camera, GPS or television screen for rear seat passengers.
  • Those that present useful information for driving, usually located on the dashboard or on the console between the two front seats, and which display various information such as :
    • tire pressure
    • fuel consumption
    • switching to electric/gas mode
    • the traction system, e.g. 4-wheel drive, traction control system, parking assistance system
    • road conditions, such as obstacles and pavement conditions
    • weather conditions, such as visibility and temperature
    • itineraries (GPS)

Internet while driving is forbidden!

In Quebec, it is forbidden to browse the Web or check one’s e-mail while driving, even if the screen that allows you to do so has been installed by the manufacturer.


Other screens are permitted for drivers engaged in specialized activities, such as :

  • a police officer or driver of an emergency vehicle
  • a taxi driver who uses, among other things, a taximeter
  • an employee of a public utility company, such as Hydro-Québec
  • an employee of a telecommunications company

Wherever possible, use a device that has been specifically designed to fit the vehicle.

These devices, such as a GPS or satellite radio, have road safety features not found in their portable counterparts, such as a cell phone.


All screens that you can see from the driver’s seat and that are not used to give information useful for driving are prohibited. For example: :

  • TV set
  • laptop or handheld computer
  • game screen
  • mobile gaming console
  • digital camcorder
  • digital camera
  • MP3 or portable multimedia player
  • portable satellite radio
  • DVD reader
  • cell phone screen

Contest your cell phone ticket while driving now!

Don’t wait: time is on your side.
The sooner a ticket is contested, the better your chances of success.

Before paying your ticket, contact us for any questions you may have.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

School Bus Ticket

Contesting a School Bus Ticket


School bus

(Article 460 of Highway Safety Code)


When do we need to stop for a school bus ?

According to Highway Safety Code, when a school bus stops, red flashing lights are turned on and compulsory stop signal is activated, it is mandatory to stop his vehicle at least 5 meters away from the school bus. Hence, we cannot proceed to cross or double the school bus. However, note that you have no obligation to stop if there is median strip between your car and the school bus.

Sanctions and penalties for crossing or passing a school bus

If you are found guilty of such an infraction, you could face:

However, depending on the circumstances and well represented, the fine and demerit points may decrease.

Let Solution Ticket verify if the alledged infraction as valid or invalid ground.
Act promptly to fight your school bus infraction with Solution ticket!

Contest your school bus ticket right away!

Don’t wait: time is running out.
The less you wait, the more your chance of success.

Before paying your ticket, contact us if you have any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Penal Hit & Run

Contester Ticket Délitde Fuite solution-ticket

Contest a Hit and Run (Penal)

Hit and Run (Penal)

(Articles 167 – 168 – 169 – 170 – 171 from Highway Safety Code)

What is a Hit and Run?

Under the law, a hit and run is the failure to stop, give his information or call the police after an accident. In cases where a person is injured or appears to need help, it will be an offense if you do not offer help. Also, if an animal over 25 kg, an unoccupied vehicle or inanimate object was struck, it is your duty to notify the owner or the police.

Penalties for a Hit and Run

If you are declared guilty of a hit and run, you could face:

    • A 600$ to 2000$ fine.
    • And 9 demerit points added to you driving record.

How to Contest a Hit and Run Ticket (Penal Court)?

Depending on the circonstances and well represented, fine and demerit points could be reduced. Let Solution Ticket Experts verify if the alledged infraction has valid or invalid ground.

Don’t hesitate to contest a ticket for hit and run with Solution Ticket!

Contest your hit and run ticket now!

Don’t wait: time is running out.
The lesser you wait to contest it, the greater your chance of success.

Before paying your ticket, call us with any question regarding your ticket.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Car surfing et couch surfing

Constester un constat de car surfing SolutionTicket

How to contest a ticket for car surfing

(Article 434 from Highway Safety Code)

What is car surfing or couch surfing?

According to Highway Safety Code, car surfing is prohibited. An example of car surfing is when someone is hanging on a moving vehicle. Couch surfing on the other hand is when an object is pulled behind or pushed by a moving vehicle with someone on it.

As said in this SAAQ text, here are few examples of prohibited behavior:

  • Riding on a moving vehicle (on the roof, at the back, on the side, etc);
  • Riding in the box or cargo space of a truck or pick-up truck;
  • Holding onto or being pulled by a moving vehicle;
  • Riding in a sofa, on a skateboard, a sled or any other object hitched or tied to a moving vehicle.

What about the penalties ?

In case of car or couch surfing, all participants will receive penalties.

For the driver of the vehicle that tolerate his vehicle being used for car surfing

    • His vehicle is ceased right away for 7 days.
    • His licence is revoke immediately for a 7 days period.
      (30 days in case of a prior conviction in the last 10 years – see below)

If you are found guilty of such accusation, you could face:

    • a 1000$ fine.
    • 12 demerit points added to your driving record.

For the person caught surfing on the vehicle

      • An immediate suspension of his licence or the right to obtain one.

If found guilty:

    • Will have to also pay a 1000$ fine;
    • Will also have 12 demerit points added to his driving record.


When you are found guilty of a car surfing infraction, it will remain on your driving record for a period of 10 years. Meaning that if within this 10 year period, you are arrested for a second time, your car will be ceased and your licence will be suspended for 30 days right away.

Criminal Charges

In some circimstances, persons involved in car surfing may face criminal charges and get a life sentence in prison.

Possible Solutions

If you found yourself in such a situation, contact us and one of our attorney will be happy to help you with your case.

Depending on the circonstances and well represented, fine and demerit points could be reduced.

Let Solution Ticket Experts verify if the alledged infraction has valid or invalid ground.

Don’t hesitate to fight a ticket for car surfing with Solution Ticket!

contest your ticket for car surfing now!

Don’t wait: time is running out.
The less you wait, the more your chance of success.

Before paying your ticket, contact us if you have any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com

Dangerous Driving

Ticket de conduite dangeureuse Solution Ticket

How to contest a ticket for dangerous driving

Dangerous driving

(Article 327 from Highway Safety Code )

What is Dangerous Driving?

According to Highway Safety Code, when a person engage in an action while in control of a vehicle and that action is dangerous for the security of person or property, she is commiting an infraction.

Many type of actions can lead to this accusation. Speeding alone could be enough to be accused in certain circumstances. It is also important to note that this infraction applies to private ground opened to public access, such as parking lots, shopping center, commerce etc. and also on logging roads.

What about the penalties?

If you are found guilty of such an infraction, you will :

    • Get a 1000$ to 3000$ fine.
    • Get 4 demerit points on your driver’s record.

Criminal Accusations

In some cases, persons implicated in a dangerous driving will face criminal charges with up to 14 years in prison. We can help you with either criminal or penal offences.

Possible Solutions

If you are in such a situation, please contact us and a lawyer will be able to help you out with your case.

Depending on the conditions and well represented, the fee and points could be reduced. Let Solution Ticket check the validity of the charges you are facing.

Don’t hesitate to contest a ticket for dangerous driving in Quebec with Solution Ticket!

Contest your dangerous driving ticket right now!

Don’t wait: time is running out.
The less you wait, the more your chance of success.

Before paying your ticket, contact us for any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884


SolutionTicket.com’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2

Email:  info@solutionticket.com